Is it a Cold or the Flu? – Here’s the Symptoms and Treatment

Is it a Cold or the Flu? – Here’s the Symptoms and Treatment

30 / Dec

symptoms of a cold vs the flu in Bury

The flu is an infectious respiratory ailment that is annually brought on by a different influenza virus. Type A and Type B influenza viruses are the two primary subtypes. The yearly influenza outbreak that affects the United Kingdom is caused by both. Both forms can result in a high fever, bodily aches, coughing, and sniffling. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms of a cold vs the flu and how to get treatment in Bury.

What causes the flu?

The primary influenza outbreaks each year are brought on by type A and type B influenza viruses. Animals including ducks, chickens, pigs, and whales exhibit type A, while only humans exhibit type B. Droplets that are released into the air when infected people cough, sneeze, or talk are the primary means of transmission for both forms. An infected person can transmit it to another person up to six feet away. Additionally, you could contract the illness if you touch your mouth or nose after contacting an object or surface that has the flu virus on it.

Symptoms of a cold vs the flu

The flu’s primary signs and symptoms include:

– A high temperature of 38C (100.4F) or more
– Tiredness and weakness
– General aches and pains
– A dry, chesty cough
– A headache

Symptoms of a common cold include:

– Runny or stuffy nose
– Congestion
– Sore throat
– Cough
– Low-grade fever
– A mild headache or slight body aches
– Sneezing
– Generally feeling sick

Cold-like symptoms, such as a runny or congested nose, a sore throat and sneezing can also be brought on by the flu, although they usually don’t last as long as your other symptoms do.

You may need to rest and stay in bed until you feel better if you have the flu, because you will likely feel exhausted and ill.

symptoms of a cold vs the flu in Bury

When should you see your pharmacist or GP in Bury?

Consider seeing your pharmacist or GP if:

– You’re at least 65 years old.
– You are pregnant.
– You suffer from a chronic illness, such as diabetes, a heart condition, kidney disease, lung disease or a neurological disorder.
– Your immune system is compromised, maybe as a result of chemotherapy or HIV infection.
– You get chest pain, breathing problems, shortness of breath, or you start coughing up blood.
– Your symptoms don’t seem to be getting better after a week, or are growing worse with time.

You might require medication in certain circumstances to treat or avoid flu complications. Antiviral medication may be suggested by your doctor to lessen your symptoms and hasten your recovery.

How can I tell the difference between the symptoms of a cold vs the flu?

The main distinction between the flu and a cold is that the flu is brought on by entirely different virus types. Cold symptoms are typically considerably milder than flu symptoms, which appear abruptly (symptoms of cold, on the other hand, seem to manifest gradually). You can tell when you’ve had the flu. With the flu, you can expect a fever, sore throat, cough, chills, runny nose, and achy muscles and joints. On the contrary, a runny nose and a sore throat are typical symptoms of colds. The flu is far less prevalent than colds.

How can I treat the flu?

When they rest at home, most people successfully recover from the flu. Your body should fully recover from the flu over the course of a few days. Get adequate rest and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water to help in your healing. You can treat flu symptoms with the following medicines if it’s safe to do so:

– Paracetamol, which reduces fever
– Ibuprofen for aching muscles
– A decongestant to ease a blocked nose
– Use cough syrup if you have a cough

symptoms of a cold vs the flu in Bury

How can I prevent myself from getting a cold or the flu in Bury?

You can avoid contracting the flu by getting vaccinated. Each year, a new vaccine is developed by scientists based on data indicating the most likely influenza viruses. Influenza A (H1N1), influenza A (H3N2), and one or more influenza B viruses are frequently included in the vaccine.

Washing your hands frequently is another effective flu prevention strategy. This is because the virus can spread if you contact with a contaminated surface and touch your mouth or nose afterwards. Wash your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water, and avoid touching your face.  If soap and water are not available, you can alternatively use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to adopt healthy routines like getting enough rest and exercise, controlling your stress, eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water.

Where to get treatment for both a cold and the flu in Bury

Book your appointment or visit Pimhole Pharmacy to treat minor ailments such as a sore throat, cold or cough. You can also learn more about the symptoms of a cold vs the flu in Bury.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Pimhole Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.