How does a Weight Management Program work?

How does a Weight Management Program work?

05 / Jan

Weight management in Bury

Obesity is a long-term condition that affects a large number of people across the world. Your chance of developing type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, fatty liver disease, and other illnesses increases if you are overweight or obese. If you are having trouble losing weight, you could find that following a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise will help you do so permanently. Keep reading to find out more about our weight management programme and how we can support you in Bury.

What does weight management mean?

Even in the best of circumstances, maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging. Confusing dietary recommendations and intimidating exercise regimens only make things more difficult. However, losing weight can have a significant positive impact on your physical and emotional health.

The goal of weight management is to achieve or maintain a healthy weight by either gaining or reducing weight. Weight management refers to the process of losing those extra pounds if, for example, you would wish to lose a few pounds here and there.

A healthy solution to weight management usually includes lifestyle adjustments. We often desire to lose weight rapidly, but this is typically not a healthy or realistic goal.

There are other aspects of weight management besides weight loss

Although shedding pounds is a crucial initial step in weight management, it’s not the only one. Long-term weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight are key components of well-balanced and proper weight management. Although losing weight can be difficult, maintaining a weight loss is generally just as challenging.

Although they can speed up weight loss in the short term, crash diets and fitness fads are often unsustainable. We often revert to our prior lifestyle patterns, which were solely responsible for the weight gain, when they eventually become too difficult to sustain.

Healthy weight management involves making long-lasting lifestyle adjustments that will help you lose weight while also keeping it off. You can reap the health benefits of weight loss with reasonable dietary adjustments and a manageable exercise routine.

It’s not enough to just lose the weight; you also need to be capable of keeping it off in the long run. You can lose weight steadily and permanently by making modifications to your workouts and eating routines.

Weight management in Bury

Complications associated with being overweight

Your health may suffer immensely if you carry too much weight. According to studies, being obese or overweight can raise your mortality risk and increase your risk of contracting illnesses like:

– Heart diseases
– Body pain and lowered mobility
– Breathing issues
– High blood pressure
– Stroke
– Infertility
– Some types of cancer
– Arthritis
– Anxiety and depression
– Sleep issues

What are some weight management strategies I can use?

You must keep making healthy lifestyle adjustments after reaching your goal weight in order to prevent gaining back the weight you’ve lost. Here are some tips to help you tackle weight loss with a more upbeat and successful perspective.

Regular exercise

Research shows that those who are more active than others are more likely to keep off the weight they’ve lost. Set a target for yourself to work up to at least 200 to 300 minutes of activity per week.

Think bigger than the scale

Instead of focusing on a certain score on the scale, find more meaningful ways to gauge success. For instance, set a clothing size loss goal or count the number of inches you’ve lost around your waist, hips, arms and thighs. Aim for no more than one to two pounds of weight loss each week if you are only concerned with monitoring the scale. Even a small amount of weight loss can help lower your chances of contracting a variety of chronic conditions, as well as boost your motivation.

Eat more filling foods

Foods don’t all fill you up equally. For instance, a cup of oats in the morning can be more filling compared to a bowl of cereal with plenty of sugar. What you eat can influence how full you feel and prevent temptation and hunger pangs between meals. Foods with fibre, a high protein and water content often help you feel fuller for longer.

Manage your stress

Stress management is a crucial but usually overlooked component of weight management. When it relates to weight management, stress causes a variety of unhealthful habits and moods, including overeating (particularly of junk food), skipping full meals, and tampering with sleep routines.

Weight management in Bury

How can our pharmacy help with weight management in Bury?

Get in touch with Pimhole Pharmacy in Bury today to learn more about our weight management.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Pimhole Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.