Should I Get a Flu Jab This Winter?

Should I Get a Flu Jab This Winter?

19 / Oct

get flu vaccine bury

While we continue to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to forget the problems caused by seasonal flu viruses. While flu may not hit the headlines in the same way as the coronavirus, it can be debilitating for those that get it. Most people may recover in a week or two, however, some people require hospitalisation and may even suffer chronic disability or death. Keep reading to find out why you should get your flu vaccination in Bury.

Why get a flu vaccine?

A head cold is not the flu. However nasty the common cold is, the flu knocks you right back with fever, headaches, aches, and a complete lack of energy. People who develop flu cannot simply take some paracetamol and power through. A bout of flu means you’ll be forced to rest and spend a week or more on the couch or in bed, and that’s if you’re generally healthy with no health concerns. If you are a vulnerable person or care for a vulnerable person, flu can be a lot scarier.

woman putting on a face mask for Covid safety

Can I avoid getting the flu?

Flu is spread like COVID-19 and as we all know, face coverings and cleanliness reduce the chance of catching both considerably. But masks and sanitisers are not foolproof and you can’t guarantee you’ll avoid the flu using them alone.

The development of a vaccine for COVID-19 has meant a massive reduction in the number of people who get the disease, and it usually reduces the effects of those that do develop it. The same is true of the flu vaccine; receiving a flu jab has proved to be the best way of protecting individuals from getting flu and spreading it.

Who should get a flu vaccination in Bury?

The short answer is that everyone would benefit from having a flu jab this season, but it is essential for those who are vulnerable or care for a vulnerable person. Among those seen as vulnerable that are advised to get a jab are people such as:

– Pregnant women

– Those with conditions such as heart disease, kidney or liver disease

– Those with conditions such as breathing difficulties and diabetes

– People over 65 years of age

– Children between 2-3 years old

– All at primary school or Year 7-11 in secondary school

– Living in a care home

– Carers

– Anyone living with or providing care for someone in these categories

– Frontline health workers

In 2021 anyone between 50 and 60 years old will also be offered the flu jab for free.
More details are available on the Government’s website.

get flu vaccine bury greater manchester

Do I need to have a flu jab if I had one last year?

Remember that because you had the vaccine last year, this doesn’t mean you are protected in 2021. Viruses mutate and the vaccine is altered to reflect these changes. An individual who has the jab is far less likely to get influenza or serious problems than those who ignore it. You can find out more about why you need the vaccine in our previous blog post:

Learn More

happy family inside two adults two children

Where can I get my flu vaccination in Bury?

If you live in the Bury area, Pimhole Pharmacy makes getting a flu jab very easy. Simply call us or use our contact form to book an appointment for your vaccination. It’s a one-step process; there is no need for further inoculation. Very few people suffer side effects such as a headache, a tenderness around the injection site, or feeling a little under the weather, but almost all feel perfectly fine again in a day or two.

A ten-minute appointment can prevent two weeks, or more, of suffering for both yourself and your family.

Contact us to make an appointment today!

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This blog post was written on behalf of Pimhole Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.